Peak Season


hosted by Precision Choreo & Camps

Maximize Scoring Potential Leading Into the Peak of the Championship Season

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Clinicians, Judges, Coaches, & Athletes working together toward INCREASING Region 6's SCORING POTENTIAL .

Vault:  Defining and Improving Body Positions and Landing Positions

Bars: Pirouette Angles, Precision of Handstands, Dismount Body Positions, Landing Positions

Beam: Rhythm in Connections, Rhythm & Tempo Changes, Footwork, Posture/Body Line,

Artistry, Dismount Amplitude, Direction, and Landing Positions

Floor: Footwork, Posture/Body Line, Artistry, Landing Positions/Choices in Tumbling, Reducing 

Turn Deductions, Leap/Jump Amplitude and Body Positions.

Registration for all clinics is through Meet Reservations at

Coaches must register athletes (and coaches) using Meet Reservations at

Coaches are not required to attend but are welcomed and ENCOURAGED to!

Clubs will receive invoice for # of athletes registered within 1 week of submitting via Meet Reservations

Meet Reservations Opens 9/15/23. 

In order to provide the most in-depth feedback possible, spaces are limited.

We recommend reserving your estimated qualifying athletes ASAP. "Swapping out" of athletes based on actual qualification IS permitted. Refunds will be provided for athletes who are registered but do not qualify to Regionals (Levels 6-8) or Easterns/Nationals (Levels 9-10).

Below is the schedule of the clinics

"Region 6 Peak Season Clinic, 6-10 Regional Qualifiers"

When*: Sun. April 7th, 2024

Who: Levels 6-8 Regional Qualifiers

Where: World Class 630 Columbia St Ext #1, Latham NY 12110

*Session times may be modified based on registration #'s and waitlist accommodations.

We will do our best to accommodate waitlist athletes but cannot guarantee entry. 

Find/Register for Other Events

The cost for clinics is $175/athlete.


September 15, 2023 Meet Reservations Opens

March 25 , 2024 Meet Reservations Closes for Level 6/8 Clinic

In order to provide the most in-depth feedback possible, spaces are limited.

We recommend reserving your estimated qualifying athletes ASAP. "Swapping out" of athletes based on actual qualification IS permitted. Refunds will be provided for athletes who are registered but do not qualify to Regionals (Levels 6-8) or Easterns/Nationals (Levels 9-10).

Coaches must register athletes (and coaches) using Meet Reservations at

Coaches are not required to attend but are welcomed and ENCOURAGED to!

Clubs will receive invoice for # of athletes registered within 1 week of submitting via Meet Reservations

There is no charge for coaches.


Call/Text Nicole at 774-258-1582



-Nicole Langevin: Olympic Choreographer, BB & FX Clinician for the Swiss Junior and Senior National Teams, Level 10-Rated Judge

-Shira Lewis: National Clinician (U.S. & Canada), Doctor of Physical Therapy, Director of Choreography for Precision Choreography

-Mary Wise: Elite Coach, 2017-2018 National Team Coach, Former TOPs State Manager

-Lorraine Currie: Brevet Judge, Women's Technical Committee for Gymnastics Canada

-Ryan Roberts: Asst. Coach, University of Georgia, USA National Staff

-Wendy Bruce, Olympic Bronze Medalist, Mental Toughness Coach, Head Coach for

Swiss National Team

-Alicia Sacramone, 10x World Medalist, USAG Strategic Lead

-Chellsie Memmel, 3x World Champion, Olympic Silver Medalist, USAG Technical Lead

-Kristen Maloney, Olympic Bronze Medalist, National and NCAA Champion, Former NCAA Coach University of Maryland

-Jeremy Mosier, World Team Member, Elite Coach

-Elizabeth Price, American Cup All Around Champion, Olympic Alternate

-JJ Ferreira, University of Maryland Coach

-Nick Blanton, UK High Performance Artistic Coach, Personal coach of two Canadian Junior National Team members 

-Terin Humphrey, 2x Olympic Silver Medalist, Elite Coach, Choreographer

and more!!

-NAWGJ Officials (Level 10, National, and Brevet)

*Specific Staff will be confirmed based on registration #'s and availability.

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